I was just looking at these pictures of Flynn from April and May of last year. That's 8 months ago. She's so little! So smushy!
I can still practically smell her : )
Ahhh. Well, today she may be bigger, but she's much more awesome. She talked happily in her crib last night for almost an hour before yelling, "Baba! Baba!"
Sometimes, it's a pain in the ass to get up in the middle of the night. And she should we WAY past this. But I can't help thinking that there's only so much time for me to hold her that way -- half asleep, quiet, the turtle's orange stars on the ceiling, her hand resting on my chest and then going back to her forehead as if she's a dainty Southern lady about to faint -- and it's a blessing and an honor to be the one who gets to do it.
Today she knows how to say at least these words: Baba (easily her favorite word), Banana, Ball, Man, Indie, Nana (Roxana), Dada, Mama, All done, This, No, Mas. And she can sing! In perfect melody! Happy Birthday, Ba-Ba Blacksheep.